Did you know that ...?

Everything of interest, quaint and special

  • ... 77% of the municipality of Prags/Braies is located in the Nature Park Fanes-Senes-Prags and is also part of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage?

  • ... Pragser Wildsee lake is the setting for the Italian television series “Un passo dal cielo” with Terence Hill and now with Daniele Liotti? In the programme, however, the lake is called “Lago di San Candido”, a lake that does not actually exist!

  • ... Alpe Pragas in Prags produces jams, chutneys, syrups etc. which are sold internationally, including Japan, Dubai and Australia?

  • ... Lechnerhof was one of the first teaching farms in South Tyrol?

  • ... there are mineral springs in Pragser Tal valley? As early as the 14 century numerous important people from far and near visited Bagni di Braies Vecchia and Bagni di Braies Nuova.

  • ... the cross country ski season on Plätzwiese high plateau starts in the middle of November? The high altitude of the pasture provides the perfect conditions for an early preparation of the track and to start the cross country ski season in the holiday region 3 Zinnen Dolomites.

  • ... you can put on your cross country skis in Prags and ski as far as Sexten? The 200 km of cross country ski track of the holiday region 3 Zinnen Dolomites are linked!

  • pragser-dolomiten
  • 116-idm-herbst-kottersteger-191026-kot-6148
  • 137-tvprags-landschaft2021-kottersteger-201214-kot-3769