HERBS - a miracle: Herbs, effects and handmade

7/16/2024 - Handicrafts/customs - Niederdorf/Villabassa (17:00 - 18:30)

Information about the event
17:00 - 18:30  
Ticket required
Turist Office Niederdorf/Villabassa - Niederdorf/Villabassa
Registration required
In the tourist office or online within 5 p.m. on the previous day
Meeting place
Museum of Tourism Alta Pusteria
25.00 € Adults
Together with the herb fairy Tamara you will get to know different herbs and their effects and enchant them with various recipes for products: creams, ointments, tinctures, juice, salt,....
She will share her knowledge about different herbs with you and will be happy to answer all your herbal questions!
In the end you will be rich in various recipes and homemade herbal products.

(Included in the price: products, recipes, material costs)
You can reach Niederdorf by car, bus or train. Updated timetables are available at www.suedtirolmobil.info.
Parking lots are available at the station.